Thursday, August 30, 2007


***** Mistakes are the portals of discovery *****
This is our nine o'clock flower that our neighbor gave us. At nine every evening the flowers open. The plant will shake all over with blooms beginning the nightly ritual. It is quite a sight to see. You can also hear the singing of cicadas in the background. Reminds us that summer is almost over and we're moving on to another season. ****This is not time-elapsed photography, the flowers actually do open before your eyes!***

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Trip to Jacksonville, NC and pictures of our Marine days

While in North Carolina we wanted to go to Jacksonville, home of Camp Lejeune, to see if we could get a copy of our marriage license. We had misplaced our original and wanted to get another one. We went to the Onslow County courthouse and they were very accommodating. We had our new license in hand in no time.

Posted by Picasa Both Mark and I were in the United States Marine Corps. We met at Advanced Diesel Mechanic School at Camp Johnson in 1982. He stole my heart with his kindness and honesty.

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This is our daughter Sarah. She is getting some loving from mans best friend. Sarah works for a company in Gray, TN and is working on getting her pilots license.

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Chad at UNC

This is Chad at the University of North Carolina. He graduated from there in spring 2006. He works in a lab there now but will be going to graduate school soon. Here is a link to the lab he works at
He plans to come home this weekend to attend the wedding of his high school friend Stephanie Papas. He will be bringing some of his friends that will be attending the wedding also and they will spend the night with us. We look forward to seeing them again.
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